A screenshot of the FREE film production scheduling software, "Movie Magic Scheduling," displaying various scenes and details for a planned shoot.

Movie Magic Scheduling To Go is now FREE

Movie Magic Scheduling for Mac & Windows (the industry standard for budgeting film and television production) recently received a major update (to version 6). So, why am I sharing this info here? Because, while announcing their update, Entertainment Partners also declared that their companion iPad app, Movie Magic Scheduling To Go, has dropped from $29.00 to FREE! Yeah, you heard me. Free.

The iPad app is an extension of the desktop apps, allowing you to import, view, and manipulate schedule date while on set — like having a classic strip board in digital form. The app is not a stand-alone solution. So, if you’re already scheduling with Movie Magic Scheduling on your computer, there’s no reason not to grab Movie Magic Scheduling To Go.


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One Response

  1. I just found out about the Movie Magic Scheduling To Go, now being free for download. I found out about this, through reading an article entitled “Director Runs Out of Money, Turns to iPhone To Finish Oscar Film” written by James DeRuvo, at http://news.doddleme.com/equipment/director-runs-out-of-money-turns-to-iphone-to-finish-oscar-film/
    I downloaded the free App, to my iPad, and I’m looking forward to learning how to use it with my iPad for movie making. Thank you Entertainment Partners, for making this available!


    John Lindsay Green