A person holding an adjustable GLIF tripod mount with a blurred yellow smartphone in a case in the background.

iWorld 2014 – The new GLIF iPhone Tripod Mount

Studio Neat, one of my favorite companies, was back at the expo this year showing off their newly revamped iPhone tripod mount, the GLIF ($30). Unlike previous versions that were designed to hold a specific iPhone model, the updated GLIF is adjustable, meaning it can hold just about any smartphone, with or without a cover.

Most universal tripod mounts feature a spring-loaded clamp to hold your device in place. This means you can instantly swap out one smartphone for another — a nice benefit most mobile filmmakers will never need. The downside of this approach is that the clamp may not hold your device as snugly as you’d like.

The GLIF takes a very different approach. Using the included hex key (allan wrench), you can tighten the GLIF around an existing iDevice. This results in a mount that fits your gizmo like a glove. Then, when you get a new iPhone (or Android), you can pull out the hex key and adjust your GLIF to fit. In other words, the GLIF doesn’t allow for quick swaps, but it will remain useful even as you upgrade to new devices with different form factors. Sweeeeet!

The GLIF is small enough to slip in your pocket, and just like the previous incarnation, this new model doubles as a table-top stand. It looks like it could open a beer, but I have yet to be successful with that. I’ll keep you posted.

In case you were wondering, this bad boy started its life in 2010 with a Kickstarter campaign. Studio Neat was hoping to raise $10,000 to get the GLIF off the ground. Instead, they raised… wait for it… $137,417! That’s a lot of GLIFs! At least 50, right? I was not a mathlete.


More to explore

Man presenting on stage with a microphone and a projection screen in the background, focusing on Mobile Filmmaking.

Video: The HHH Mobile Filmmaking presentation at LACPUG

Just in case you missed my Mobile Filmmaking presentation at the Los Angeles Creative Pro User Group back in July, here’s a (low angle) video of the whole enchilada! It’s PACKED with apps and accessories you need to know! Check it out! And as always, if you dig it, share it!


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