A woman is taking a selfie in a car.

8mm goes HD! Wait, is that right?

Yup, it’s right… and it’s kick-ass!

Nexvio has just released 8mm HD for the iPad ($2.99).  These are the same guys that brought us ReelDirector, the first video editing app ever released for iOS.

8mm for iPhone ($1.99) has long been one of my favorite camera apps. It effortlessly transforms live video into vintage 8mm movies complete with jitter, discoloration, icky edges, and framing nightmares. AWESOME!

The new iPad HD version looks great (although, I’m surprised they didn’t use the extra space to make the buttons bigger). It will let you shoot live video (iPad 2 only), and post-process existing video clips. Sadly, 8mm is not a universal app, so you’ll need to purchase the new HD version for your iPad even if you already own the iPhone version.

I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “But Taz, doesn’t this app do the same thing as the Super 8 app that I can get for free?” Well, yes and no. For one thing, the Super 8 app is no longer free. It recently bumped from free up to $.99.

Truthfully, 8mm and Super 8 are VERY similar. So similar, in fact, I thought the Super 8 guys just bought the 8mm code and slapped their name on it…but there are differences. Super 8 is more immersive but requires additional steps to do the same thing. I prefer quick and easy, and that’s 8mm. And, in regards to this particular posting, 8mm HD is made for the iPad. There’s no iPad version of Super 8.


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